403 people commited to writing a piece for peace from July to December, 2005!
Writers, ministers, musicians, moms, and anyone else who feels the need for peace. If you feel scared or angry, frustrated or helpless, don't shut down, speak up! Take one positive action step to promote a greater experience of peace in the world.
Write one piece:
a poem
an article
a short story
a song
a one-act play
a meditation
a prayer
a letter to the editor
a letter of concern to political and/or spiritual leaders
a letter of forgiveness
a sign that can go in a window or on a wall
a few words that can be made into a button or a bumper sticker
Write about some aspect of peace or peacemaking that you're passionate about, from inner peace:
to world peace:
nuclear disarmament
understanding the roots of fundamentalism
diffusing terrorism by addressing and healing its causes
finding alternative solutions to war
eliminating poverty
strengthening women's rights
upholding human rights
slowing or reversing pollution
replanting our forests
* share your feelings and concerns* challenge the status quo* ask questions* educate* pose solutions* imagine a peaceful world* suggest action steps to get us there
Sharing your writing about peace with others is as important as the writing itself. Some ways to get your writing out into the world:
submit it to a magazine, anthology, or newsletter
post it on your blog, web site, or e-zine
submit it to other people's blogs, web sites, or e-zines
give a poetry reading
perform your play at schools and churches
sing your song at open mike nights
pass copies of your writing out at the local mall
hang a copy on your front door
post it on college campus bulletin boards
print your message on bookmarks
be creative, and get it out there...
Write your piece and start circulating it (as best you can) before December 31, 2006.
to move from apathy to action
to take a stand
to let your voice be heard
to promote peace
to participate in the process
Special thanks: http://www.apassionforpeace.com/
This is my piece for peace.
What's yours?
Come to http://peacemyconcernm.blogspot.com/ and
share your commitment to write for peace in our survey (I'll post the number of responses every month)
leave a comment about the "Write for Peace" challenge on this post
find out about peace organizations and upcoming peace events
be inspired by what others are doing to make this a more peaceful world
I think peace can save our earth from distruction
A simple creation by Madhav Ojha
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